We want to collaborate with sponsors and/or donors like you to help keep our doors open.

Generous donors like you are key to our success and make it possible for all proceeds to go directly back into the community. Over the past 7 years, we’ve been able to provide to our community:

  • Free basketball clinics for youth in Kindergarten through 8th grade
  • Parent’s Night Out events where parents have a safe place for their kids to hang while they enjoy a couple hours to themselves
  • Support local Dave Vernon keep the Tumwater Youth Basketball programs operating
  • Provide a practice facility for local high school teams
  • Build 13 competitive youth teams comprised of 4-12 graders
  • Awarded several tournament championships across the nation.

While most of our families pay to play on our competitive teams, that only covers a small portion of the uniforms, tournament, and travel expenses. We are looking for ongoing support to help lease our facility, equipment, and utilities. In addition, we often need support to provide events for the kids.

90TEN supports other local organizations, groups, and leagues and directly impacts the lives of children in a very positive way, and undoubtedly enrich our community.

We would be so honored by your donation and support for our amazing organization!

Donate now by clicking the button below:

We are a member of the Washington State Combined Fund Drive (CFD). State employees can donate or log volunteer hours by visiting their website and search 90ten.

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